
(724) 431-7195

Tax preparation background:

Ed Bella has been preparing personal and small business taxes for the more than 20 years.  He attends tax law change seminars annually to help keep up to the constantly changing tax laws.  Ed holds a MBA and a Masters of Science in Management of Information Systems from the Katz Graduate School of Business- University of Pittsburgh and a B.S. in Industrial Management and Economics with concentrations in Finance and Accounting from Carnegie Mellon University. 

Firearms instruction background:

Ed Bella is a multi-disciplined Certified NRA Instructor, an USCCA Certified Instructor, a NRA Range Safety Officer and a NROI Certified USPSA Range Officer.  He has been practical competition shooter for over 20 years and helps run practical pistol and multi-gun competitions locally.

Current certifications:

USCCA Concealed Carry

USCCA Basic Handgun

USCCA Home Defense

NRA Basic Pistol
NRA Home Firearm Safety
NRA Personal Protection in the Home
NRA Personal Protection Outside the Home
NRA Basic Rifle
NRA Basic Shotgun
NRA Muzzleloading Rifle
NRA Muzzleloading Shotgun
NRA Range Safety Officer
NROI Range Officer
LASR Affiliate Instructor

AHA First Aid / CPR / Stop the Bleed Certified